Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Thermobaric Cat

cat scanned triangles casinoYou don’t have to be a scientist to know that you get excited when you play online casino games. You can feel your heart rate going up and you can feel your excitement building. When you play these games, the activity actually manipulates your dopamine and serotonin levels, so you feel highs as you start to play a game and wait to see if you’ve won. You’ll typically have lows at times as well. The interesting thing about this is that people love the feeling of having these levels manipulated and of feeling the up and down that comes with online casino fun. It’s sort of like going to the amusement park and riding on the roller coasters that send you up and down. Now, if you’re playing at home and loving the online casino games, you can also enjoy cuddling up when you play. Call your cat over, curl up and have a great time playing those online casino games while you nurture and love your cats. Interestingly, researchers have found that animals like cats actually bring your dopamine and other levels into control and that they help to regulate these levels. This makes sense since cats and other animals have a soothing effect on the owner and allow you to relax as you pet them and hear them purr. So, playing these games with your cat at your side is the perfect way to create highs and lows, but then also to regulate your levels with your cats!

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