Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Grumpy Cat Plays iPad Roulette

ipad roulette playing grumpy cat
People who love to play online casino games at home have found that one of the best ways to keep calm during the games and even get more pleasure out of them is to play while holding their cat in their laps and to stroke the cat while playing so that it purrs. The combination of a beloved pet and the enjoyment that's inherent to playing games like online roulette make the entire experience richer and more substantial. It also makes it more relaxed, and that could only lead to a better playing experience and better decisions on how to bet on the roulette game. It stands to reason that if your mood is enhanced by having a happy, purring cat in your lap, some of that will rub off on the betting decisions you're going to make. It also means that you are far less likely to make bad decisions in response to emotional concerns that pop up during the games, which could be long streaks of mostly winning followed by periods of losing, and all things in between. So having a cat in your lap won't change your luck or give you any insight on which numbers to choose in iPad roulette, but it may make the experience better nonetheless.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Online Roulette Cat Paws Pause

online roulette op art of paws pause play button
casino cat online roulette kittenThere are many services and benefits available at the online casino that are not offered at land based casinos. These include the sign up bonus offers and ongoing promotions available for all players and games. Customer service and support is available around the clock day and night at the online casino with a wide range of contact options including via toll free phone numbers in addition to live chat and even email addresses that are provided. Players at the online casino whether playing online roulette or other games can choose which method they want to use to deposit their money, there are many different options available, in the banking section of the casino all of which are instant and easy to use. Online roulette players and other online casino game players can also sit in the comfort of their own home with their cat on their lap as they play the games, the player has a free hand and is able to pet the cat while still making important decisions in the game and at the same time enjoying the love and warmth of the cat and the extra special vibes that it gives to each casino player, luck, strength and calmness.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cat Touching Roulette Ball Op ARt

roulette ball reaching cat op art
Do you want to get in on a little secret? People who play online casino games during their work breaks find themselves having more energy when they get back to work and having a more positive outlook for the rest of the day. The online roulette, for instance, makes you excited as you play and gives you energy. If you are able to have your cat on your lap while you play, you’ll also have the added bonus of having good luck. In many places in the world, the cat is seen as a good luck symbol. So, when you play online casino games like roulette and you have your cat on your lap, you bring yourself even more luck as you play. Now, some work environments don’t allow for this type of break, but if your work will allow you to take your coffee break to play online casino games like roulette, you’ll find yourself with more energy to get back to work. These games offer just the fun and entertainment that you’re looking for to break up the monotony of the regular work day and to have something fun to look forward to each day.